About Us

Pakhtunkhwa Milli Awami Party (PMAP) is a democratic political party that advocated for the rights of Pashtuns and Pakhtunkhwa. We are a part of the historic Pashtun national movement. We stand for constitutional government, democracy and rule of law.

Pashtuns are a nation with a rich and vibrant history. Pashtuns are known for their distinct culture, language, and traditions. Pashto, their native language, is a major component of their identity. Pashtuns live in their ancestral homeland between the Oxus and Indus rivers and have a great tradition of defending it from all invaders and occupiers.

The Pashtun homeland was invaded by the British Empire during the age of colonialism and imperialism. From the very beginning, the Pashtun nation presented the greatest obstacle to the British colonialism in this region. As soon as the British reached the Indus River, which represented the eastern frontier of Afghanistan, a series of rebellions and resistance struggles began among the Pashtun tribes. The British invasion of the Afghan and Pashtun homeland culminated in the infamous Durand Agreement that illegally and unjustly partitioned the Pashtun homeland.

Beginning right from the time Afghanistan was unjustly partitioned, the Pashtun tribes living on both sides of the hated Durand Line rose up in struggle and resistance against the unjust British occupation. Fueled by a shared sense of injustice and a longing for freedom, they unite in a common purpose. Bound by a deep-rooted loyalty and unwavering determination, they employ strategic tactics and guerrilla warfare to challenge the occupier's dominance. With each act of defiance, they inspire hope in the hearts of their fellow tribesmen, igniting a flame of resistance that spreads like wildfire. To the east of the Durand Line, Pashtun tribes rose in rebellion beginning in Waziristan and Malakand. An indigenous liberation movement, pioneered by Haji Sahib Turangzai started in 1896. To the west of the Durand Line, following the Third Anglo-Afghan War in 1919, Afghanistan liberated itself and became a sovereign and independent nation-state. From that time, Afghanistan has continued to cherish and promote it’s historic, cultural, ethno-linguistic and religious ties with the people of Pakhtunkhwa.

Although united in their aims to overthrow the British occupation, the indigenous national liberation movement in Pakhtunkhwa had many origins. In the southern part of Pakhtunkhwa, the Pashtun national liberation movement was led by Khan Shaheed Abdul Samad Khan Achakzai. Beginning in the 1920s, Khan Shaheed became increasingly involved in the anti- British national liberation struggle. He established his political organization as Anjuman-e- Watan, a party dedicated to opposing colonial rule and advocating for the political rights of the people in British Baluchistan. Prior to forming this party, Khan Shaheed had already forged alliances with various freedom fighters, including Pashtun Baacha Khan, Baloch leaders, and prominent Indian political parties such as the Indian National Congress and the Muslim League. Anjuman-e-Watan actively participated in the non-cooperation movement and the Quit India movement, both aimed at resisting British control. From 1929 to 1947, Khan Shaheed and his political comrades faced repeated imprisonments, collectively spending more than a decade incarcerated by the British authorities.

The end of British occupation and the partition of British India did not lead to the emancipation and liberation of Pashtuns. Instead, it opened a new chapter of the struggle. Instead of democracy and federalism, the new rulers of Pakistan opted for dictatorship and oppression of nations. Naturally, Khan Shaheed and the Pashtun national movement decided to resist the anti-people and anti-nations policies of the new government. In 1954, Khan Shaheed formed the ‘Wror Pashtun’ (Pashtun Brotherhood) political party to advocate and struggle for progressive democracy, constitutional government and true federalism. Wror Pashtun became an integral part of the Natioanl Awami Party (NAP) alliance, which united all the oppressed classes and nations of the country in one struggle. The most prominent political issue of the time were the constitution of the country and the hated One United scheme that abolished the national provinces and imposed draconian, direct rule from the center. During this time and after the imposition of the first martial law in 1958, Khan Shaheed spent a total of almost 20 years in various prisons in Pakistan.

After the restoration of civilian government, Khan Shaheed formed a new political party called Pakhtunkhwa National Awami Party and decided to participate in the democratic struggle for Pashtun rights. Unfortunately, he was martyred by unknown assailants on December 2, 1973. Pakhtunkhwa National Awami Party would go on to for the current Pakhtunkhwa Milli Awami Party that is the vanguard party for the struggle of the rights of Pashtuns and Pakhtunkhwa.