Latest News, Articles & Press-releases


PMAP Eid Public meeting held in Pishin

PMAP held a massive public meeting in Pishin on the fourth day of Eid..

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News item

ECP officially notifies the newly elected PMAP office-bearers

The Election commission of Pakistan officially notified the newly elected office..

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Press Release

PMAP elections held, MKA re-elected chairman

PMAP elections were held in Quetta, Southern pakhtunkhwa on December 19-21, 2022..

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The Pashtun question in the so called "Balochistan" province!

The northern districts of the current so called "Balochistan province" are overwhelmingly Pashtun majority districts. The Pashtuns are a distinct people from the other major nationality of the province i.e. the Baloch & share the same language, culture and history with the geographically contiguous Pakhtunkhwa province in the north. These Pashtun areas were annexed from Afghanistan in the 19th century after the second Anglo-Afghan war & have been made part of the current Balochistan province only after 1970. A more just solution to this issue would have been to merge these areas into the then Pashtun N.W.F.P. province or to restore the earlier Pashtun majority Chief commissioner province which consisted mainly of these Pashtun areas alongwith a couple of Baloch districts before the infamous & draconian One-Unit scheme aboished it in 1956.

Pashtuns- a distinct people from the Baloch - form the overwhelming majority of the northern districts of the so called "Balochistan province". They share their language, culture & history with their co-ethnics in the geogrpahically contiguous Pakhtunkhwa province in the north instead of the Baloch. These "Pashtuns of balochistan" have never lived in the same administrative unit with the Baloch people before the current province was unjustly imposed upon them in 1970.

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Our values & Issues we care about!


PMAP believes that all political power should emanate from the will and consent of the people. We believe in democratic and representative self-government by the people, supremacy of the constitution and the elected Parliament, separation of powers and the rule of law. We totally condemn and reject martial laws, abrogation of the constitution or any other such ultra-constitutional measures.

National Language

PMAP believes that Pashto is the national language of the Pashtun nation. Therefore, we demand that Pashto be made the legal, administrative and language of commerce of Pakhtunkhwa. We demand the recognition and development of all the languages that are spoken in Pakhtunkhwa. We also demand that Pashto be recognized as one of the national languages of Pakistan and be given constitutional protections and safeguards.

Peace & Religious co-existnce

PMAP believes in a peaceful and harmonious society that embraces religious plurality and diversity. PMAP rejects terrorism, extremism and violence against religious minorities. PMAP takes its inspiration from the long tradition of peaceful and harmonious coexistence between religious communities in Pakhtunkwha.


PMAP considers Afghanistan to be the historic homeland of all Afghans including Pashtuns. Therefore, PMAP strongly supports the sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence of Afghanistan. PMAP condemns any external interference in the internal political affairs of Afghanistan.

Genuine Federalism

PMAP considers Pakistan to be a federal state of five equal nations. Therefore, PMAP demands that Pakistan’s social contract should be federal and parliamentary with full political, cultural and economic autonomy for the federating units where each federating unit represents the homeland of one participating nation.

Pakhtunkhwa's natural resources

The natural resources of a nation are vital and essential for the economic development and prosperity of a nation. Therefore, PMAP demands that the natural resources of Pakhtunkhwa, from electricity to minerals to water, should be under the democratic control of Pakhtunkhwa and be used for the everyday needs and economic prosperity of its people.

Peaople's Economy

PMAP believes in eradicating all oppression based on class and economic exploitation. PMAP considers the natural resources to be the right of all of the people of Pakhtunkhwa. PMAP supports a minimum wage, redistribution of profits, a social safety net, right to housing, right to education and right to employment to be recognized on both provincial and federal levels.

Foreign policy

PMAP supports and advocates a foreign policy based on peaceful co-existence and non-interference. PMAP supports a foreign policy that prioritizes economic development, trade linkages and raising the standard of living of all the people of the region.


PMAP believes that Pakhtunkhwa is the ancestral and historic homeland of all the people of Pakhtunkhwa. PMAP’s struggle is centered on the realization of the political, economic, social and cultural rights of Pakhtunkhwa. PMAP demands a united and autonomous Pakhtunkhwa province from Chitral to Bolan.

Human rights

PMAP strongly believes in human rights, political freedoms and civil liberties for all the people of the country. We believe in constitutional safeguards and actual realization of all the basic and fundamental rights of citizens according to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other international treaties and instruments.

Our values & Issues we care about!


PMAP believes that all political power should emanate from the will and consent of the people. We believe in democratic and representative self-government by the people, supremacy of the constitution and the elected Parliament, separation of powers and the rule of law. We totally condemn and reject martial laws, abrogation of the constitution or any other such ultra-constitutional measures.

Genuine Federalism

PMAP considers Pakistan to be a federal state of five equal nations. Therefore, PMAP demands that Pakistan’s social contract should be federal and parliamentary with full political, cultural and economic autonomy for the federating units where each federating unit represents the homeland of one participating nation.

Pakhtunkhwa's natural resources

The natural resources of a nation are vital and essential for the economic development and prosperity of a nation. Therefore, PMAP demands that the natural resources of Pakhtunkhwa, from electricity to minerals to water, should be under the democratic control of Pakhtunkhwa and be used for the everyday needs and economic prosperity of its people.

Peace & Religious co-existence

PMAP believes in a peaceful and harmonious society that embraces religious plurality and diversity. PMAP rejects terrorism, extremism and violence against religious minorities. PMAP takes its inspiration from the long tradition of peaceful and harmonious coexistence between religious communities in Pakhtunkwha.


PMAP believes that Pakhtunkhwa is the ancestral and historic homeland of all the people of Pakhtunkhwa. PMAP’s struggle is centered on the realization of the political, economic, social and cultural rights of Pakhtunkhwa. PMAP demands a united and autonomous Pakhtunkhwa province from Chitral to Bolan.

National Language

PMAP believes that Pashto is the national language of the Pashtun nation. Therefore, we demand that Pashto be made the legal, administrative and language of commerce of Pakhtunkhwa. We demand the recognition and development of all the languages that are spoken in Pakhtunkhwa. We also demand that Pashto be recognized as one of the national languages of Pakistan and be given constitutional protections and safeguards.

Human rights

PMAP strongly believes in human rights, political freedoms and civil liberties for all the people of the country. We believe in constitutional safeguards and actual realization of all the basic and fundamental rights of citizens according to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other international treaties and instruments.

Peaople's Economy

PMAP believes in eradicating all oppression based on class and economic exploitation. PMAP considers the natural resources to be the right of all of the people of Pakhtunkhwa. PMAP supports a minimum wage, redistribution of profits, a social safety net, right to housing, right to education and right to employment to be recognized on both provincial and federal levels.


PMAP considers Afghanistan to be the historic homeland of all Afghans including Pashtuns. Therefore, PMAP strongly supports the sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence of Afghanistan. PMAP condemns any external interference in the internal political affairs of Afghanistan.

Foreign policy

PMAP supports and advocates a foreign policy based on peaceful co-existence and non-interference. PMAP supports a foreign policy that prioritizes economic development, trade linkages and raising the standard of living of all the people of the region.

Our values & Issues we care about!


PMAP believes that Pakhtunkhwa is the ancestral and historic homeland of all the people of Pakhtunkhwa. PMAP’s struggle is centered on the realization of the political, economic, social and cultural rights of Pakhtunkhwa. PMAP demands a united and autonomous Pakhtunkhwa province from Chitral to Bolan.


PMAP believes that all political power should emanate from the will and consent of the people. We believe in democratic and representative self-government by the people, supremacy of the constitution and the elected Parliament, separation of powers and the rule of law. We totally condemn and reject martial laws, abrogation of the constitution or any other such ultra-constitutional measures.

Genuine Federalism

PMAP considers Pakistan to be a federal state of five equal nations. Therefore, PMAP demands that Pakistan’s social contract should be federal and parliamentary with full political, cultural and economic autonomy for the federating units where each federating unit represents the homeland of one participating nation.

Pakhtunkhwa's natural resources

The natural resources of a nation are vital and essential for the economic development and prosperity of a nation. Therefore, PMAP demands that the natural resources of Pakhtunkhwa, from electricity to minerals to water, should be under the democratic control of Pakhtunkhwa and be used for the everyday needs and economic prosperity of its people.

National Language

PMAP believes that Pashto is the national language of the Pashtun nation. Therefore, we demand that Pashto be made the legal, administrative and language of commerce of Pakhtunkhwa. We demand the recognition and development of all the languages that are spoken in Pakhtunkhwa. We also demand that Pashto be recognized as one of the national languages of Pakistan and be given constitutional protections and safeguards.

Human rights

PMAP strongly believes in human rights, political freedoms and civil liberties for all the people of the country. We believe in constitutional safeguards and actual realization of all the basic and fundamental rights of citizens according to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other international treaties and instruments.

Peaople's Economy

PMAP believes in eradicating all oppression based on class and economic exploitation. PMAP considers the natural resources to be the right of all of the people of Pakhtunkhwa. PMAP supports a minimum wage, redistribution of profits, a social safety net, right to housing, right to education and right to employment to be recognized on both provincial and federal levels.

Peace & Religious co-existnce

PMAP believes in a peaceful and harmonious society that embraces religious plurality and diversity. PMAP rejects terrorism, extremism and violence against religious minorities. PMAP takes its inspiration from the long tradition of peaceful and harmonious coexistence between religious communities in Pakhtunkwha.


PMAP considers Afghanistan to be the historic homeland of all Afghans including Pashtuns. Therefore, PMAP strongly supports the sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence of Afghanistan. PMAP condemns any external interference in the internal political affairs of Afghanistan.

Foreign policy

PMAP supports and advocates a foreign policy based on peaceful co-existence and non-interference. PMAP supports a foreign policy that prioritizes economic development, trade linkages and raising the standard of living of all the people of the region.

Videos & Media

MKA Press Conference

Mashar addressing press conference in Quetta on 26/11/2023

MKA TV interview

Mashar interview to Nadeem Malik of Aaj TV on 22/11/2015

MKA speech in jalsa

Mashar addressing people in a jalsa in Quetta on December 2 2022